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The 'Dee Miller Project' Needs You..!!

21st January 2022

Welcome to our new website for Kingsway and Newton Residents Association.

We have discussed for some time the benefits of having a website which would give another portal for residents to access information, ask questions and general information about the area.

As part of building the content of the website, we want to hear from you with ideas of any interesting features you would like to see, of even better if you have any interesting stories, images and details of the history of the area, we can then set up a separate page specifically for these items.

Given that most of us, if not all at KANRA have lived in the area for a considerable amount of years, or born a bred, we have seen many developments and changes in the area. From the shopkeepers who were the backbone of the community, Woodfield School, Kingsway High School and The Dee Miller all going thorough changes or in some cases disappeared altogether.

As a collective community we can embrace the changes ahead, and time will not stand still, so we need to look to the future and ensure the best facilities and opportunities are provided and this can only be achieved if everyone is informed, shares any vision for the future and equally so plays an active part in the delivery of projects.

Dee Miller – Needs You..!!!!

The biggest project we have come across in many years is the redevelopment of the Dee Miller and in order to get things underway we are actively seeking suitably experienced and willing volunteers to stand forward to be part of the ‘Founding Trustees’ group. An exciting opportunity to play your part in getting the project off the ground.

The aim of the project is to convert / utilise the redundant lounge area of the public house into a Community Centre / Hub that can be used for various activities and as a focal point for residents to meet up. Work is due to start in the near future, so we need to gather the relevant experience to make it all happen on time.

The basis of the responsibilities will be to play an active role in the registration of the project as either a Community Trust, or Registered Charity and the group will push this forward then to seek funding for the project to grow. We are particularly looking for those who may have experience of delivering similar projects, but its not just limited to that skill set.

We want to hear from you if you have experience in the following:

  • Project Management

  • Accountancy

  • Fundraising / Funding Bids

  • Facilities Management

  • Leadership and Management

If you feel you have these qualities then in the first instance send your CV with a covering note to Neil via

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